V6.0.3 IS OUT!!!!!

V6.0.3 IS OUT!!!!!

Note: this project was originally shared on scratch, I just moved it over to itch.io so more people can play it.

New Features:

  1. Bob-omb is now here. The id is e25, and there is new tags for it. {delay:} is the amount of tick it waits to explode, default is 150 (it was 200 in the beta from a while ago). {size:}, well, you know what that does, oh, and it does also change the bob-omb blast radius. {type:2} is the lit bob-omb that is walking. {speed:}, {direction:} (left/right).
  2. Sonic and Captain toad costumes! Captain Toad costume doesn't prevent you from jumping.
  3. P-Switch blocks. When you hit these, they activate the p-switch. The id is 77. This block was originally created for a tutorial that I was going to make, but my video editor was taking way to long to export, so I couldn't upload it.
  4. New command block commands! I have updated the command block, with the {command#:} tags, you can do a whole lot more that you could before. I have not yet made a table for commands. I will put a guide to commands at the end of this post.
  5. SUB-LEVELS!!!!! Yes, sub-levels! This is my huge surprise for yall. Click on game mechanics, and type in 6 or "world levels", then you have a few options, paste in a level code, create a new level, or delete a level. These sub-levels are just levels inside other levels. They can have anything a normal level can have, including more sub-levels.
  6. Since I was adding sub-levels, I added a new door, a star door (from sm64), 76. It works like any door, but I did add a new tag to allow you to go to other sub-levels. {level:} type in the level number (item number in the list of levels, you can see it in game mechanics), and to go back a level, just use this {level:back}. Since this just uses scratch's list item of block, you can also make it go to a random level by doing {level:random} or the last level in the list {level:last}.
  7. I have re-enabled watch a gameplay. I have added all the buttons. I also noticed that watch a gameplay has been playing a frame too late, so the first frame that was recorded, isn't getting played back.
  8. Clear condition for amount of levels cleared

Bug Fixes:

  1. It's been so long since the last release, that I don't even remember what was fixed, but I do know that there were a lot of bug fixes.

Internal Changes:

  1. I have updated the tags to be much much better, and way more efficient.
  2. Rewrote the script to get level information so it doesn't brake when loading a level code that has sub-levels.
  3. Made mario animations (costumes/powerups) use a whole lot less blocks by putting repeating scripts inside a custom block. I have not made all the powerups/costumes use this new block yet, but I will finish that.

Command Guide:
To use commands, put the command in a {command#:} tag. Always start the command with a /. Here's an example.

61{command1:/message "hello"}

All commands except /if, /forever, and /always get activated when mario hits the block.

That command means that when mario hits the block, it'll say "hello" (without quotes). When typing in text, always remember to put it in quotes, either " " or ' '. This is so that you can put spaces in text.

Here's how to use the /if command.

/if <condition> <action>

for example,

61{command1:/if 5 = 5 /message "yes"}

You can even use math as a value

61{command1:/if 3+2 = 5 /message "true"}

Remember to not put spaces in math equations. Here are all the operators you can use

% (this is just the same as mod, I just added it in because I know that's what it is in python)

and here are all the operators that can be used on a value like, 5+-1 or 5+round0.4


You can also do equations like
Just saying, the script to parse the equations was created by griffpatch (and edited by me to include infinite parameters, like, variables).

I have also included a way to use variables in your scripts. Since the list is so long, I'll just list a few of the probably most used variables here (and then I will put the whole list with the command table once I make it). Note: the variables are not case sensitive, so you can type a variable as "MARIOX or "MarIoX", and it would still work.


You can use these variable like mariox > 3 or mairox+5 < 5 or mairox > blockx+1

To have multiple conditions, you use and or or, like

61{command1:/if mariox > 5 and mariox < 10 or mariox > 1 and mariox < 3 /message "true"}

I have also added a way to get a value from a specified thing, like, to get the block at an x y coordinate.

[getBlock <x> <y>]

or to see if a sub-level has been cleared

[levelCleared <level <sub-level num>:<sub-sub-level num>...>]


61{command1:/if [levelCleared 1] and [levelCleared 2:2] /message "you win"}

As you can see, I've been using the /message command a lot. That command make the command block say whatever you put in

/message <message>

This can be a variable, a math equation, text string, or a value.

61{command1:/always /message [levelCleared 1]}
61{command1:/always /message [getBlock 5 5]}
61{command1:/always /message mariox}
61{command1:/always /message "hello"}
61{command1:/always /message 5+5}

I have also added the command to set a block (ok, I really made it actually work, it was already in the game, but it didn't actually do anything)

/setblock <x> <y> <id>

For example,

61{command1:/setblock 5 5 1

You can also use variables, and all other value types here. Note: you can stick an id inside quotes and it'll still work. You can also stick variables in the spot for the id (for example, the id or fullid variables).

Then there's the spawn entity command.

/spawn <x> <y> <id>

Note: x and y values can be decimal values in the spawn entity command, but not the set block command. If you are going to deal with setting a block to a value that can potentially be a decimal value, use round, floor or coiling to convert it to a whole number.

There's also a tp (teleport) command.

/tp <thing, right now only mario> <x> <y>

for example,

61{command1:/tp mario 5 5}

You can also set mario's powerup (I only edited this one to allow variables, this was actually coded in when I first added the command block, heck, I use it for the {powerup:} tag).

/powerup <1-9>

This just sets mario's powerup to the value. Can be used to increase mario's powerup by 1, like

61{command1:/powerup powerup+1}{command2:/setblock blockx blocky 0}

This is probably the best update ever, and I sure hope you like this update.


smmv.6 v6.0.3.html Play in browser
May 04, 2021
super mario maker v.6 v6.0.3.sb3
Mar 20, 2021

Get Expanded Super Mario Maker v.6

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